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תאריך הצטרפות: 21 בינו׳ 2023

מי אנחנו

US Treasuries are debt securities issued by the United States Department of the Treasury to finance the spending of the federal government. They are thought to be among the safest investments available, as they are backed by the full confidence and credit of US government.There are many kinds of US Treasuries, including Treasury bills, Treasury notes, and Treasury bonds. Treasury bills have maturity shorter than one year and are sold at a price that is lower to face value. Treasury notes are maturities of one to ten years and are paid interest every six months. Treasury bonds have maturities of more than ten years and have a six-month interest rate.

Investors are able to purchase US Treasuries directly from the government through the TreasuryDirect site, or can purchase them via a broker or a bank. You can also purchase them through the secondary market in which they are traded as stocks.

What are the differences between US Treasuries differ from stocks?

米国債 and stocks are two investment options, but they're quite different. Stocks are a form of ownership for a company, while US Treasuries represent a loan to the government. When you buy a stock, you become a part-owner of the company, and you're entitled to share in the company's profits and assets. If you purchase an US Treasury, you are lending money to the government, and you will be paid back the principal plus interest when the maturity date arrives.Another major difference is the amount of risk associated with it. Stocks are considered to be more risky than US Treasuries because the value of a stock can go up or down depending on its performance and the general stock market. US Treasuries are on the other hand can be considered among the best investments because they are backed by the complete trust and credit of the US government.

How do US Treasuries differ from bonds?

US Treasuries are a type of bond, but not all bonds are US Treasuries. A bond is a security that pays interest to the bondholder and then returns the principal once the bond matures. US Treasuries are issued by the US government and are believed to be among the most secure bonds available. The other bonds issued are by corporations, municipalities as well as foreign governments.The main difference between US Treasuries and other bonds is the risk level. US Treasuries are considered to be the most secure bond due to the fact that they are backed by the whole trust and confidence of the US government. Other bonds, like corporate bonds are thought to be more risky because they are not insured by the federal government. The creditworthiness of the company that issues them also plays a big role in the risk associated with bonds.


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